La Senadora Kelly Ayotte, de New Hampshire, una mujer con influencia política en el estado de granito y estrella emergente del partido a nivel nacional, anunció ayer que apoya a Romney.
Es el primer Senador en activo de uno de los cuatro primeros estados en votar que se pronuncia a favor de uno de los candidatos.
First, it is imperative that Republicans nominate our strongest candidate to face President Obama. Mitt Romney has proven not only through his prior experience as a successful businessman and governor, but also through his solid campaign and excellent debate performances, that he is that candidate. We cannot afford another four years of a president who continues to bankrupt America and whose policies hurt the very job creators who can get our economy growing again. We can no longer sit on the sidelines and continue to listen to divisive rhetoric which divides our nation. Mitt Romney will be a strong leader who will unite America. With his strong qualifications and executive leadership experience, he will put America on the path to fiscal responsibility to make sure that we don't continue to crush our children with mountains of debt. Mitt Romney not only eliminated a $3 billion deficit as Massachusetts Governor, he also cut taxes 19 times. And unlike President Obama, Governor Romney has spent most of his career in the private sector and knows how to create good jobs.
Second, Mitt Romney is not only committed to building a stronger economy, but he also believes, as I do, in stronger American leadership abroad. He will remain vigilant in the fight against al Qaeda and Islamist terrorists, and his national security decisions will be based on advice from our military commanders - not political polls. With a rising China and persistent nuclear threats from rogue nations, we need Governor Romney's strong, steady leadership to vigorously protect American interests. I trust Mitt Romney to keep our country safe in a dangerous world.
Third, I believe Governor Romney will run a campaign against President Obama that is serious, substantive, and one we can be proud of.
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