Fue Presidente del Tribunal Supremo de Alabama y alcanzó fama nacional por negarse a retirar un monumento a los Diez Mandamientos de la sede del tribunal después de que un juez dictara que la presencia del monumento iba en contra de la disposición constitucional que separa Iglesia y Estado.
Ayer entregó a la Comisión Electoral Federal (FEC) los documentos necesarios para formar un comité exploratorio:
(...) Republican Roy Moore, who believes he was wrongly removed from Alabama’s supreme court, will file federal paperwork today to create a presidential exploratory committee, he said in an interview this morning.
And the Iowa co-chairman for Arkansas’s Mike Huckabee 2008 Iowa campaign is shepherding him around the state on a volunteer basis.
Moore, 64, said the country needs a constitutional scholar in the White House.
“Our rights and liberties in this country hang by a very thin thread because justices and judges who are appointed, Republican and Democrats, so often don’t adhere to the constitution. They adhere to their own whims and predilections and feelings.”
(...) Moore will make 25 appearances this week on a 6 1/2-day tour of Iowa, home of the nation’s earliest caucuses, according to MoorePAC, a Gallant, Ala.-based political action committee.
(...) Danny Carroll, a former state legislator who is a full-time lobbyist for the Family Leader, a socially conservative advocacy group, is Moore’s lead Iowa contact.
“He’s my guy,” said Carroll, who worked for Huckabee’s campaign in the 2008 cycle. (...)
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