martes, 13 de marzo de 2012

El mormón Romney puede sentenciar en Dixie

In a topsy-turvy GOP primary, where the unexpected has been the norm, such a final plot twist may be altogether fitting: The Mormon Yankee who thinks cheese grits are a revelation effectively seals the nomination in Alabama and Mississippi.

(...) Despite his painfully evident lack of comfort in the South (see “cheesy grits”), every Republican statewide official in Jackson is behind Romney, and in Alabama the front-runner enjoys support from such party pillars as House Speaker and former GOP Chairman Mike Hubbard and former Gov. Bob Riley.

Further, Romney is the only candidate who has a sophisticated operation on the ground in the two states — the sort of operatives smart enough to have him call into Birmingham-based Paul Finebaum’s popular sports talk radio show on election eve.

Along with a divided right, the sense of inevitability generated by Romney’s growing delegate lead and the fervent desire among Republicans here to get to the business of unseating Obama — a mere mention of doing so brought hollering Alabama Republicans to their feet Monday night at the candidate’s forum — it all may be enough to propel Romney to a narrow pair of victories.

(...) His formula in both states is remarkably similar: run well along the less socially conservative Gulf Coast, clean up in the largest city and its heavily GOP suburbs (Birmingham and Jefferson County in Alabama, Jackson and Hinds, Madison and Rankin counties in Mississippi) and pull votes out of the educated population hubs in the northern part of the state (Huntsville in Alabama and DeSoto County, just south of Memphis, in Mississippi).

Old Mississippi hands note that GOP primaries in their state can be won by candidates who win only a handful of counties, provided they’re in vote-rich areas, and point to Sen. Thad Cochran’s initial primary in 1978.

3 comentarios:

libertarian dijo...

Elvis deberia ser ejecutado por profanara Dixie...

Y Antxon sancionado por recordarlo xddd

espero que te enmiendes esta tarde y no nos casques una version patillera de Sweet Home Alabama

Antxon G. dijo...

Si quieres pongo ahorcamientos de negros.

libertarian dijo...

No es necesario.... pero Elvis destroza a conciencia Dixie