Persiste el ruido en torno a Jeb Bush
Mitt Romney’s tortured triumph in Michigan put him back in the GOP driver’s seat — but that hasn’t quelled the desire among some Republicans to trade up.
Yes, Republicans are still pining for former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush despite his repeated and vehement refusal to be sucked into the 2012 Republican vortex.
And Democrats continue to cast a wary eye on a guy they see as more dangerous — and capable of connecting with middle-class and Latino voters — than Romney.
The Bush murmurs persist, even as a resilient Romney marches toward Super Tuesday with a commanding lead in cash, delegates and momentum over a sagging Rick Santorum.
“I have the perfect candidate — Jeb Bush. But he’s not running,” former George W. Bush chief of staff Andy Card told Charlie Rose on CBS on Wednesday, echoing the sentiments of many in his party.
“What Democrat would not worry about a popular leader from a critical state who sounds pretty moderate and can rescue the GOP from its anti-Latino death grip?” asked former Bill Clinton press secretary Mike McCurry, who said he’s yet to find a Democratic elder who thinks the GOP is truly “unhinged” enough to consider ditching Romney for Bush.
(...) “I used to be a conservative and I watch these debates and I’m wondering, I don’t think I’ve changed but it’s a little troubling sometimes when people are appealing to people’s fears and emotion rather than trying to get them to look over the horizon for a broader perspective,” Bush told a gathering in Dallas last Thursday, according to FOX News.
“I think that changes when we get to the general election — I hope,” added Bush, who has personally urged Romney to moderate his rhetoric on illegal immigration for fear of completely alienating Hispanic voters in states like Florida, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona.
That got the attention of conservatives including Ann Coulter, who slammed him of prepping for a campaign, and Obama campaign officials who found his timing curious.
Ana Navarro, a Republican strategist and a friend of Bush, said she saw the former governor last Sunday and he laughed off any idea that he’ll jump in the game.
But even Navarro couldn’t resist indulging in a little starry-eyed speculation of what might have been.
“Why is he a fearful figure? You know, anybody who knows Jeb Bush and who’s heard Jeb Bush understands there’s a certain inspirational quality to him,” she said in an interview.
“He is smart, he is scary smart, and he has got a national network of supporters that he could turn on with the flip of a switch. And nobody could hold Obama’s feet to the fire in the Latino community like Jeb Bush.”
That opinion has considerable bipartisan support. “Don’t buy the bulls—- about us not being worried about Jeb,” added a veteran Democratic operative. “He’s a tough matchup even if his last name is Bush.”
(...) “I think anybody who’s legitimate would make it a race with Obama at this point,” said a former adviser to Hillary Clinton in 2008. “If they did get someone who was reasonably grown-up now and — poof — we got a race. … And Jeb’s not just anybody, he’s got damned good skills, he can raise money and even people who hated his brother concede he’s the smartest Bush.”
3 comentarios:
Es normal. Las primarias del pasado martes no han despejado nada y la posibilidad de llegar a una Convención Abierta siguen intactas.
Bush, Daniel o Christie dicen publicamente que no pero no estoy yo tan seguro de que en privado no suspiren por hacerse con la nominación.
hay una corriente de opinión que mantiene que la victoria de Romney en Michigan facilita la convención abierta porque de haber ganado santorum, este hubiera tomado un impulso tan grande que el Supermartes podría incluso ganar Georgia. Habiendo ganado Romney en Michigan, parando un poco el momentum de Santorum, se hace más probable la victoria de Gingrich en Georgia, y por tanto, una mayor dispersión de los delegados entre varios candidatos, y no sólo entre dos.
Jeb Bush no me parecería mala opción. Tiene una edad bastante adecuada, es de Florida, católico y habla español. Con lo cual el voto de esas dos minorías, nada desdeñable, podría favorecerle. Un candidato republicano capaz de hablarles a los hispanos en su propio idioma sería algo realmente para verlo.
Por otra parte, no sé si pesaría su apellido. Me imagino que el americano medio se habrá olvidado bastante del anterior presidente, aunque ciertas desventajas acarrerá. Además, tener una familia con tres presidentes, el padre y dos hermanos, convertiría me imagino a los Bush en la dinastía política más importante de Estados Unidos, al menos la que más gente a tenido en puestos altos. No sé si salvo los Adams y los Harrison alguna familia había llegado tan alto.
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