Dan Riehl cuenta que algunas fuentes del Partido Republicano sospechan que Reince Priebus (candidato favorito a la presidencia del Comité Nacional Republicano) es un peón del Gobernador Haley Barbour para controlar el RNC y ponerlo a disposición de su futura campaña presidencial. Puede ser cierto, o puede ser un rumor interesado lanzado por alguno de los rivales de Priebus en las elecciones al RNC.
Dicen que Priebus habría acordado con Barbour el nombramiento de Nick Ayers (mano derecha de Barbour en la RGA) como futuro director político del RNC, algo que por otra parte no debería extrañar viendo el buen trabajo de Ayers en la RGA en este último ciclo electoral.
(...) Based upon talking to multiple sources over a period of weeks, I've been able to confirm that a deal struck between the Barbours, Henry and Haley, and Reince Priebus, is set to put Nick Ayers in at the RNC as political director to pave the way for Barbour's 2012 Presidential bid.
Weeks ago, knowledgeable RNC sources described Priebus to me as a glad-handing lightweight. That's when I began to question his competence for the slot. That led to some push back from other sources open to Priebus heading up the RNC.
In response to my saying I had solid inside sources telling me Priebus didn't really have the chops for the job, I was told it shouldn't impact my opinion. "So what if he's a lightweight, he's going to be Haley's lightweight," said one source. I filed the remark away and later another source claimed that Priebus was recruited by the Barbours as an acceptable face for their plans, given some resistance within the GOP to the Barbours taking over control of the RNC.
Now, a reliable source linked to an establishment candidate in the race for chair has informed me that it's been absolutely confirmed, the deal is done. The young Nick Ayers, 27, and fresh out of the RGA and very much Haley Barbour's guy, will be appointed Political Director at the RNC in exchange for the Barbour's supporting Reince Priebus for chair. (...)
1 comentario:
O Barbour o Daniels
Uno de los dos lanzará su candidatura a la Presidencia y el uno trabajará para el otro. Son ambos dos gobernadores excepcionales y lo más significativo es, al menos la impresión que tengo yo, el impulso que está adquiriendo una posible candidatura de Daniels en las últimas horas. Daniels aún no ha dicho nada pero es innegable que se trataría de un candidato con gancho a la hora de recaudar fondos para una posible carrera Presidencial.
Un abrazo desde España
Casto Martín
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