Marc A. Thiessen (Washington Post) ha estado en contacto con Team Romney y nos explica cual es el plan para ganar a Perry:
Romney’s campaign strategists are certainly spending a lot of time poring over Perry’s positions — and developing a plan to stop the surging Texas governor.
Romney has been criticized for refusing to engage Perry, but his campaign advisers see no need to do so now. They point out that the Democratic National Committee is going after Perry, hundreds of reporters hoping to make names for themselves are scouring his life and record, and other candidates that Perry has passed in the polls are determined to take him down. Why should Romney attack Perry directly when the Democrats, the liberal media and Michele Bachmann will do it for him? Romney’s strategists note that Perry will have to survive five debates in six weeks — ample opportunity for Bachmann to “rip his eyes out” (as she did to Tim Pawlenty) or for Perry to blow himself up.
If Perry fails to implode and continues to surge in the polls, Romney eventually will have to go on the attack — an assault his advisers say will commence “at a time of our choosing.” Romney strategists are quick to note that in his book, “Fed Up!,” Perry writes that “By any measure, Social Security is a failure” and calls the program “something we have been forced to accept for more than 70 years now” that was created “at the expense of respect for the Constitution and limited government.”
Look at what happened to Paul Ryan when he proposed a plan to save Medicare, they say. Romney’s campaign will argue that Perry is against the very idea of Social Security and Medicare, and that he will use Perry’s book to scare seniors in early-primary states with large retiree populations, such as Florida and South Carolina.
The Romney campaign also plans to use immigration to drive a wedge between Perry and his conservative base, by highlighting Perry’s opposition to a border fence and legislation he signed in 2001 allowing the children of illegal immigrants to attend Texas colleges and universities at in-state tuition.
(...) Team Romney intends to undermine Perry’s appeal on the right by painting him as the anti-government candidate who has spent most of his life in government — first as a state legislator, then as agriculture secretary, lieutenant governor and governor.
(...) The Romney campaign will argue that Perry repels independents and can’t win in key swing states such as Florida, Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan — while Romney can.
2 comentarios:
Que duda cabe que algunas de estas criticas pueden tener cierto punch pero, en una situación de duro intercambio de criticas, Romney lleva las de perder. Dejando a parte el Romneycare, a ver que levante la mano el que sepa de algun tema importante en el que Romney no haya cambiado de opinión en los ultimos años (o casi mejor días, vease el cambio climatico).
Así pues, en situación de mutuas criticas entre Romney y Perry la cuestión se reducirá a la credibilidad del candidato y aquel que se mantenga mas estable y sin vaivenes trasnmitirá mejor sensación.
El problema es que algunas de esas cosas las intentó contra McCain. Sobre todo el tema de la inmigración para desconectarlo del electorado republicano, y no le dio resultado.
La ventaja es que esta vez el establishment estaría con él en ese esfuerzo, aquella vez no estaba.
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