Según el Wall Street Journal:
A determined cadre of Republican donors is casting wishful eyes on New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie in an 11th-hour push to persuade the former prosecutor to enter the 2012 presidential race.
The drive reflects lingering discontent in some GOP quarters over the current crop of GOP candidates, particularly since the recent stumbles of Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who has led in national polls of Republican voters.
Mr. Christie's aides say the governor hasn't budged from his months-long insistence that he won't enter the presidential fray, despite what one described as a "relentless" stream of calls over the last week from prominent Republicans urging him to run.
"None of that triggers any new thinking on his part," said one Christie adviser. "He's very polite to these people: 'Thank you for calling. That's very flattering. I'll let you know.' And I think they interpret that, 'Ah-ha! A rethinking.'"
A speech Mr. Christie will deliver Tuesday evening at the Ronald Reagan presidential library in California has nonetheless intensified speculation about the governor's intentions. Aides insist he won't use the appearance to make any surprise announcement.
(...) Party operatives, and some of Mr. Christie's own advisers, cite numerous reasons why a presidential run presents daunting challenges, with the first balloting less than five months away. Unlike Mr. Perry, who entered the race last month, Mr. Christie has no national fund-raising apparatus to rely on, and a relatively scant home-state network.
(...) Mr. Christie's aides, and donors who move in his fund-raising circles, say the effort to cajole him to run has been limited to a relatively small contingent of disenchanted but wealthy Republicans, many of them from the Northeast and California. Mr. Christie will attend a fund-raiser in California during his trip to the West Coast this week.
"This is all organic outreach," said one Christie aide. "We are hearing from high-level party types, elected officials—you name it—all urging the governor to run. But there have been no meetings or organized calls or anything like that."
Others say the governor has made no moves to reach out to the campaign operatives necessary to build a last-minute presidential bid.
"Some in the conservative movement are still searching for Mr. or Ms. Wonderful," said one person who moves in Christie fund-raising circles. "But Christie is a guy who through his whole career has said what he means, and he has said no.".
1 comentario:
Lo que ha pasado en los debates es que hemos visto a un Romney espléndido, telegénico, que sabe de que está debatiendo y que tiene un récord de creación de empleo, Perry también tiene muy buenas credenciales en ese campo, y es un candidato como la Copa de un pino. Creo que el Partido Republicano no presentaba un candidato tan serio en muchísimos años. Un tandem Romney-Perry sería fantástico y sobre todo ganador.
Un abrazo para todos
Casto Martin
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