Al menos en los medios.
Rich Lowry escribe en Fox News:
In the first two debates, Perry stood out for his sheer stage presence even if his answers weren't always crisp or deep. Thursday night, he faded more into the line-up of the other candidates at the same time he wasn't any better on the substance. His weak performance will stoke more speculation about New Jersey Republican Gov. Chris Christie possibly entering the race.Y Paul Gigot, causante de la última oleada de especulaciones, escribe hoy en el Wall Street Journal:
For a man who says he's not running for president, Chris Christie isn't keeping a low profile. The New Jersey governor will give presidential tea-leaf readers another chance to speculate about his intentions when he delivers a speech next Tuesday at the Reagan Presidential library in Simi Valley, Calif.
Word is that Mr. Christie plans an expansive address on themes bigger than his battle to reform New Jersey's budget and pensions. Trentonologists will be looking to see if he takes on the U.S. economic predicament or America's role in the world. Mr. Christie knows he lacks foreign policy experience, but in recent months he's sought meetings with various national security sages. One of those who attended such a dinner with the governor says he showed keen interest in filling his knowledge gap.
When I reported on Fox News Sunday that Mr. Christie was still considering a presidential run, the blogosphere erupted with familiar will-he-or-won't-he analysis. One issue is whether Mr. Christie can enter so late and still win or at least do well in early states like Iowa and New Hampshire after other candidates have locked up endorsements and volunteers. I believe he could. Many Republicans are still looking for a candidate who combines conviction with the ability to beat President Obama. Mitt Romney looks electable but no one knows what he believes. Rick Perry projects conviction and leadership but has looked shaky in debates defending his views.
My guess is Mr. Christie would immediately join the front-runners in the polls, he'd be able to raise plenty of money, and his chances would then depend on whether his message meets the moment. Mr. Christie may decide for personal and political reasons not to run. But one of those reasons should not be his electoral prospects. The GOP nomination is eminently winnable, and on current economic trends so is the presidency.
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