lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2011

Cain y Gingrich desmienten que hoy vaya a haber endorsement

ABC News:
Sources close to Herman Cain, who suspended his presidential bid this weekend, said that despite reports late Sunday night, Cain has no plans to announce his endorsement of a candidate on Monday. An Atlanta television station reported Cain would endorse Newt Gingrich today. Cain’s chief of staff Mark Block told ABC News: “I have no knowledge that Cain is endorsing anyone anytime soon.” And Cain’s deputy chief of staff Linda Hansen e-mailed: “Not true. I am not sure where they heard that. Seems the media, in general, has a problem discerning fact from gossip.” A source in Gingrich’s campaign also said a Cain endorsement was not expected today.

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