Huele a que Paul Ryan se ha convertido en el nuevo elegido del establishment republicano ante el temor de que Romney no pueda contra Perry en las primarias.
Grandes nombres están animando al presidente del Comité de Presupuestos de la Cámara de Representantes para que entre en la competición.
(...) Indiana governor Mitch Daniels hopes he runs. “If there were a Paul Ryan fan club, I'd be a national officer,” Daniels said in a phone interview Wednesday morning.Y un detalle importante: la mujer de Ryan parece que apoya la idea.
“I don't think it's a secret that he was strongly encouraging me to try. I've been strongly encouraging him to run as well. He has all the qualities our party needs to be emphasizing in these elections. He can explain—and is willing to explain—in plain English why today's policies are a disaster for the middle class, and he has the smarts to go toe-to-toe with the people who are saying misleading things about the proposals that he’s put out there.”
(...) Another prominent conservative reformer, Jeb Bush, also thinks Ryan should run.
“Paul Ryan would be a formidable candidate. I admire his substance and energy. Win or lose, he would force the race to be about sustained, job-creating economic growth and the real policies that can achieve it.”
Ryan has been receiving encouragement from his colleagues in the House for months. California congressman Devin Nunes, who has worked extensively with Ryan on entitlement reform and spending issues, has been pushing Ryan for months. So has John Boehner, according to two sources familiar with their conversations. Boehner has praised Ryan as a “natural candidate” to fellow House Republicans.
Ohio congressman Jim Jordan, a leading conservative in the House and head of the Republican Study Committee, is also bullish on a possible Ryan bid. “He’d certainly be an asset to the race. When Paul talks about Cut, Cap, and Balance as a key to solving America’s debt problem, people get it.” (...)
(...) Ryan is in Colorado vacationing with his family this week. Three sources close to Ryan tell THE WEEKLY STANDARD that his wife, Jana, is “on board” with a presidential bid. “That is a very big deal,” says one Ryan confidant. “Not that she’s enthusiastic, but she understands and she’s with him on it.” (...)
2 comentarios:
El temor del establishment republicano hacia Perry, que esta trascendiendo a la prensa bastante, no hace otra cosa que favorecerle entre la base del GOP. En estas primarias no hay nada mejor que decir que eres anti-establishment por lo que la situación le conviene.
Por lo demas, si piensan que Romney quiza no pueda con Perry, no se en que se basan para pensar que Ryan podría con el. De hecho, Romney es un buen candidato (con equipaje, es cierto, pero sabe lo que hace.
Ryan es más genuino que Romney. Supongo que para enfrentar a un Perry que en gran medida gusta por ser genuino, creen que puede serles más útil otro candidato genuino.
Básicamente el temor yo creo que es que creen que Romney saldría de la primaria más debilitado que un Ryan o un Christie en caso de hacerse con la nominación.
Ryan es un tipo realmente brillante. Yo entiendo que le vean más potencial, al menos antes de entrar. Luego una vez que entre es otra historia, porque Romney ya tiene una organización hecha y Ryan sería un hombre sólo contra máquinas hasta que construyera su propia organización.
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