jueves, 8 de septiembre de 2011

Romney fue el único que no mencionó a Reagan

Smart Politics:
A Smart Politics content analysis of the 2012 GOP presidential debates finds that not only was Mitt Romney the only candidate who did not name drop Reagan at the MSNBC / POLITICO debate, but he has also refrained from invoking the legendary Republican figure at all three major debates held so far this year.

Romney's silence on Reagan - particularly in the library that bears his name - was in stark contrast to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who mentioned Reagan's name nine times - more than twice the number of any other candidate.

In total, Reagan was name-dropped 24 times by the candidates Wednesday evening.

After Gingrich at nine mentions came Rick Santorum and Ron Paul with four, Jon Huntsman with three, Michele Bachmann with two, and Herman Cain and Rick Perry with one each.

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