jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2011

El Concord Monitor apoya a Huntsman

Concord Monitor:
Huntsman, a consistent but never doctrinaire conservative, would present the greatest challenge to Obama. If elected, he would provide mature, informed and steady leadership. He has a track record as governor of bringing all sides together to create an economic climate that helped his state prosper. And he has experience garnered while serving four presidents, starting with Ronald Reagan. Combine the foreign policy experience of all the other candidates in the race and Huntsman would top it. He has played the game at its highest level, serving first as ambassador to Singapore, then as a trade representative on behalf of the United States at the United Nations and, at Obama's request, as the United States' ambassador to China.

(...) We disagree with Huntsman on a host of issues, including abortion, support for civil unions over same-sex marriage, the need to repeal the landmark health care reform act, and his desire to extend the Bush tax cuts. But we found him, despite his calm demeanor, to be a proponent of bold, hard-nosed reforms that voters, no matter what their party, should consider. Huntsman wants to rewrite the nation's absurd tax code and eliminate all deductions, both personal and corporate. That would allow rates to be lowered and, in his words, "clean out the swamp" of lobbyists whose job is to maintain and extend tax breaks for those who can afford to hire them. He would levy a fee on the six big banks that control a dangerously large share of the economy - a fee so high that they would be forced them to sell off their subsidiaries, shrink and no longer be "too big to fail."

Among candidates too often seen as hostile to science, Huntsman is a believer in its power to explain phenomena like climate change. In a party seen as hostile to the judiciary, he believes justices should have lifetime tenure to insulate them from the political pressure.

As one with years of experience in business, he understands the need to invest in education to develop a workforce unmatched in its ability to innovate and create. And he is the only Republican candidate willing to talk honestly about the need to cut military spending in a responsible way to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

Huntsman's depth of experience, maturity, sincerity and ability to work toward a common goal with political opponents make him the Republicans' best choice to face President Obama in 2012.
El Concord Monitor es el periódico de la capital de New Hampshire. De tendencia demócrata, así que su influencia entre los republicanos es nula. Puede serle de alguna utilidad para movilizar votos demócratas e independientes, pero no le será de mucha ayuda en su más reciente esfuerzo de presentarse como la alternativa conservadora a Romney.

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