miércoles, 17 de agosto de 2011

Más ruido en torno a Paul Ryan

Jennifer Rubin confirma en su columna del Washington Post que a ella también le han llegado informaciones sobre una posible entrada del Congresista Paul Ryan en la carrera presidencial.
(...) I know of multiple conservative “envoys” who have privately met with him, urging him to run and pointing to the lack of serious debate on the issues Ryan knows best (taxes, entitlements, etc.) The latest meeting was last week when a highly regarded emissary in the conservative movement visited him to reiterate the case for his presidency. A person with knowledge of the meeting joked that he hoped Ryan would find “inspiration” on the mountain top.

(...) A Republican think-tanker who previously worked in the White House has been among those urging Ryan to run. I asked him why he’s so certain that Ryan is the right man. He replied that it is more than the conviction that Ryan would be a good president. He explained that “this is a match between the man and the moment. What I mean by that is that we’re in a particularly perilous situation economically. In most instances, what we hope for in a president is someone who is capable of making wise and informed decisions that lead to economic growth. Competence and good judgment are enough. But if we are in a period of unusual hardship and unusual challenges — which I believe to be the case — then we need to find someone of unusual gifts and talents.”

He adds, “The one public figure who is comparable to Paul when it comes to this skill set is Governor Mitch Daniels. But his decision not to enter the race means we’re now down to one. And Ryan is the one. It’s true that he’s young, that he has no executive experience, and that the hour is growing late. But not too late. The stars, I think, are aligning his way. And now is his time.”

(...) But what about the timing? If nothing else, Perry has at least confirmed that everything before (and maybe including) the Ames straw poll is largely irrelevant. No filing deadlines have passed. There is no consensus figure in the race as yet. The debates in the fall are the perfect forum for Ryan to make his case and outshine the competition. He’s already conducted dozens of town-hall meetings, the same setting that is most effective in Iowa and in New Hampshire.

When will he decide? In the next week or two, I am told. If he does decide to jump in, the entire GOP primary changes. (...)

Y Roll Call descubre que Ryan ha hablado con el Speaker of the House John Boehner sobre una posible candidatura en las últimas semanas, aunque de momento estaría más inclinado a no presentarse.
(...) In fact, Ryan discussed the matter with Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) when the subject of whether he should be appointed to the bipartisan Joint Committee on Deficit Reduction arose, according to this source.

But the GOP operative cautioned that Ryan was still leaning against running for president for the same reason he has eschewed a major leadership position within the House Republican Conference: to avoid the fundraising and political demands that would keep him away from his wife and young children for extended periods. Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s entrance into the race might only serve to reinforce to Ryan, 41, that a White House bid would require a significant fundraising effort. (...)

2 comentarios:

Carlos dijo...

Creo que para Ryan es imposible llegar a la nominación, a pesar de los puntos que ha ganado como experto presupuestario es un desconocido y llega tarde... El. Aso es que para un congresista como él podría ser ahora o nnca, pero me paece que necesitaba más preparación, mucha más

Antxon G. dijo...

Preparación intelectual para soportar el debate político y económico le sobra. Sería un candidato capaz de llegar tanto al voto rural como al voto suburbano, a los rednecks, a los blue collars y a los white collars. Tiene un enorme potencial.

El problema es la ausencia total de una infraestructura de campaña. Por ejemplo Perry es un gobernador de un gran estado que le proporciona una gran maquinaria política y financiera. No empieza de cero.

En cambio un congresista que hasta ahora sólo ha montado operaciones electorales en su distrito, tendría que empezar de cero a montar una organización propia.

De todos modos Ryan no es un congresista usual, es un tipo que como presidente del comité de presupuestos de la Cámara tiene relevancia nacional y apoyos tanto a nivel de bases como en Washington y Wall Street. Si hay un congresista que puede montar una campaña nacional eficiente en 5 meses ese es Ryan.

Aunque tendrá que plantearse muchas cosas primero. Ver si tendrá dinero suficiente, ver si podrá compaginar la campaña con su trabajo en la Cámara, y otras consideraciones.

Sitio para nuevos candidatos todavía hay. Para un absoluto desconocido puede ser tarde, pero para alguien que ya tiene un seguimiento puede haber tiempo para una entrada tardía hasta noviembre aproximadamente.