Artículo de Mike Gerson en el Washington Post:
It is an ideological milestone that the emerging Republican front-runner is as skeptical of the New Deal as anyone in his position since the New Deal. During the 1936 election, Republican nominee Alf Landon called Social Security “unjust, unworkable, stupidly drafted and wastefully financed.” Now, according to Texas Gov. Rick Perry, Social Security is a “Ponzi scheme” that tells young workers a “monstrous lie.” It is a “failure” that “we have been forced to accept for more than 70 years now.”El mismo artículo traducido al español.
It is true that Barry Goldwater, during the 1964 campaign, said, “I think Social Security ought to be voluntary.” But when his rival Nelson Rockefeller claimed this would be a “personal disaster to millions of senior citizens,” Mr. Conservative backed down. Challenged on his proposal, Goldwater responded, “I don’t know where you ever got the idea.”
It is true that Ronald Reagan, during his 1976 campaign for president, contended, “Fascism was really the basis for the New Deal.” But Reagan’s presidency was an extended accommodation with the New Deal. Reagan used the economic crisis of his time — inflation and economic stagnation — not to repeal entitlements but to lower tax rates. Social Security spending rose dramatically during the Reagan years.
It is possible that Perry may fold like Goldwater or accommodate like Reagan, but his current challenge to the Roosevelt consensus is ambitious. “I happen to think,” he said in an interview with Newsweek last fall , “that the Progressive movement was the beginning of the deterioration of our Constitution from the standpoint of it being abused and misused to do things that Congress wanted to do, and/or the Supreme Court wanted to implement. The New Deal was the launching pad for the Washington largesse as we know it today.”
Perry’s entitlement reform proposals remain unformed. But during the same interview, he praised three Texas counties that had opted out of the Social Security program in 1981 (under a loophole that existed at the time). “So I would suggest a legitimate conversation about let the states keep their money and implement the programs. That’s one option that’s out there.”
If Perry presses his case against the New Deal, there are three possible outcomes:
First, Republican primary voters — while respecting Perry’s chutzpah — might develop concerns about his electability. In his national debut, Perry has tended toward the intemperate. As general electoral strategy focuses Republican minds, disciplined rhetoric might make a comeback. Communism and segregation are properly called monstrous lies; Social Security is a successful program in need of serious reform. Mitt Romney might make progress with this appeal: No candidate who is seen as an enemy of Social Security and Medicare will be allowed by voters to change and modernize those programs.
A second possibility is that Republican primary voters will be enthusiastic about Perry’s message while the country is not. According to recent polls, Americans would prefer Congress to cut discretionary spending and raise taxes on the wealthy rather than make major changes in entitlement programs. President Obama might revive his fortunes with a traditional Democratic defense of Social Security and Medicare against marauding Republican hordes.
But there is a third possibility that Perry skeptics should take seriously. Perhaps this ideological moment is just different, in the same way the 1930s or the 1980s were different. Another dip into recession — a continuing, sputtering failure of the American job-creation machine — might do more than call three years of Obama policies into question. It might call seven decades of accumulating entitlement commitments into question. Can a modern economy remain energetic and competitive when it transfers increasing amounts from the private to the public sector, from young to old, from the productive to the retired? Will America need to break decisively from the European social model to avoid Europe’s economic fate?
A sense of economic desperation expands the range of policy options. Reagan turned a fear of national decline into a radical revision of the tax code — reducing top tax rates from 70 percent to 28 percent. Today, a second round of recession and an accelerated European economic implosion could create a similar sense of decay and desperation. The normal rules of political realism might be suspended — this time on entitlements.
2 comentarios:
Creo que este articulo, como otros muchos que vengo leyendo ultimamente sobre las posiciones de Perry en determinados asuntos como, p. ej., la seguridad social no definen bien cual es la posición en la que se coloca el Gobernador de Texas. Perry se ha posicionado como un federalista como no se ha visto en la politica americana en casi un siglo. Realmente, lo que pretende es transferir de vuelata alos Estados una parte de la soberanía que, en muchos temas, les perteneció originariamente a ellos y que ahora esta en manos del Gobierno Federal.
Ningun candidato a presidente viable, que yo recuerde, tenía una posición como esta en la politica americana moderna. Esta puede ser, si sale elegido presidente, y para eso queda un largo camino, la gran trasformación que Perry impulse en la organización politica de los USA. De hecho es de tal calado que yo la colocaría al mismo nivel que las que encabezaron FDR, LBJ, y Reagan.
Desde luego si va con ese programa nadie podrá negar que este sí que apuesta verdaderamnete por el "cambio" y no Obama que hablaba de cambio mientras apostaba por continuar con el estatus quo.
Pero seamos realistas, todo eso está apoyado en comentarios hechos o escritos por Perry cuando no era cnadidato a la Presidencia. Ahora sin duda matizará su posición en los apartados más polémicos, como la Seguridad Social, por cálculo electoral, para evitar que Obama intente asustar al electorado.
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