lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2012

Obama empolla donde puede y como puede

Ser el Presidente en ejercicio tiene muchas ventajas en unas elecciones, pero es un impedimento para preparar los debates. Entre los mítines de campaña y las responsabilidades propias de la Presidencia, a Obama solo le quedan los vuelos en el Air Force One y las medianoches para prepararse. Como un estudiante que repasa los apuntes con urgencia entre clases y en los trayectos en autobús y metro. Bush tuvo el mismo problema hace ocho años en una campaña exigente que no le permitía limitar su agenda, y el resultado en el primer debate no fue nada bueno.


On long flights to swing states in the West and late nights at the White House after his children have gone to bed, President Barack Obama is cramming like a student for a test that could determine his political future.

The subject? His opponent, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney. The test? His face-off with the former Massachusetts governor at their first one-on-one debate next month.

(...) Forced to juggle his governing and campaigning responsibilities, Obama is squeezing in debate prep when he can.

"We don't have the same luxury that Romney does in terms of time," Obama's chief campaign strategist David Axelrod said.

That means Obama uses flights to Nevada, Colorado and other election swing states on Air Force One to read up on Romney's positions, or studies in the evenings at the White House when he's in town.

"He's spent a lot of time reading material and most of it is familiarizing himself with what Governor Romney said in this campaign," Axelrod said. "I mean, he's pretty conversant with his own record but he wasn't very conversant with Romney's."

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