viernes, 3 de diciembre de 2010

Op-ed de Romney en el Boston Globe criticando el START

En un artículo de opinión publicado en el Boston Globe, el Gobernador Romney se opone a la ratificación del nuevo START (Tratado de Reducción de Armas Nucleares Estratégicas) por considerar que limita las opciones de EEUU para el desarrollo de un sistema de defensa antimisiles. Es un guiño a los DefCons (conservadores que votan pensando más en cuestiones de defensa y seguridad nacional que en temas sociales o fiscales) que jugaron un papel importante en la victoria de McCain en las primarias de 2008.


(...) WHY THE hurry, Mr. President? It’s a question we’ve asked twice before. There was a rush to pass his $787 billion “stimulus’’ to hold unemployment below 8 percent. Congress obliged, and now we are saddled with higher unemployment and crushing debt. Then there was his health care assault: no time for our representatives to even read the bill. As ObamaCare has been revealed, it has frightened business into retreating from hiring. Now the president is in a hurry again: affirm the New START treaty right away, he insists, during the lame duck session. Fall for his rush once, shame on him; twice, shame on Congress; a third time, shame all around.

A treaty so critical to our national security deserves a careful, deliberative look by the men and women America has just elected. The president is in a hurry for the same reason he has been in a hurry before: he knows that if his vaunted treaty is given a thorough review by the Senate, it will likely be rejected. And well it should be.

Those who oppose New START are troubled by the answers to the following questions:

■Does New START limit America’s options for missile defense? Yes. For the first time, we would agree to an interrelationship between strategic offensive weapons and missile defense. Moreover, Russia already asserts that the document would constitute a binding limit on our missile defense program. But the WikiLeaks revelation last weekend that North Korea has supplied Iran with long-range Russian missiles confirms that robust missile defense is urgent and indispensable.

Continúa (...)

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Yo creo que los denominados DefCons se van a decantar por Romney, en el caso de que el ex gobernador de Massachusetts opte por presentarse, porque es un valor seguro.

Los James Woolsey, los Michael Hayden, Frank Carlucci etc mostrarán su apoyo a Romney.

Un saludo

Casto Martín