jueves, 2 de febrero de 2012

El front-runner al que nadie quiere (caso Clinton)

Un pasaje del libro 'Upside down and inside out: the 1992 elections and American politics' de James W. Ceaser y Andrew Busch:

... Yet only five days after gaining his hard-won position as the presumptive Democratic nominee, Clinton was faced with a challenge that threw the race into an unexpected third stage. Jerry Brown, who had earlier won the Colorado primary and the Maine caucuses but had remained overshadowed by the Clinton-Tsongas matchup, upset Clinton in the Connecticut primary.

Brown harassed Clinton for another month, during wich time more revelations about Clinton's draft avoidance surfaced. Clinton also confessed to having tried marijuana as a student at Oxford while denying that he had inhaled. It was not clear what harmed him more - the confession or the denial.

Brown, as the latest outsider in a year of outsiders, also atacked Clinton for being a special-interest candidate. The former California Governor proposed to replace the current income tax system with a flat tax, and refused to take contributions over $100, relying instead on a much publicized 1-800 number. He also had increasing success at winning union votes, beginning with an appeal to auto workers concerned about the two front-runners' pro-free trade position...

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