martes, 14 de febrero de 2012

¿En positivo o en negativo?

First Read:
*** TV ad war heats up: The TV ad battle in the Republican race has been largely quiet over the last several days, but it’s about to pick up. The pro-Romney Super PAC Restore Our Future, per the New York Times, has purchased nearly $500,000 in additional airtime in Michigan to run this TV ad hitting Gingrich. (And we can report that Restore Our Future is also going up in Georgia, Tennessee, Mississippi, and Oklahoma.) So Romney’s allies clearly aren’t giving up on Newt; they are now committed to fighting a two-front war against both Gingrich and Santorum. The question is how much of a toll does this negative campaign take on Romney? Indeed, that Pew poll -- mirroring our NBC/WSJ survey from last month -- shows independents abandoning Romney in a head-to-head matchup against President Obama. . Meanwhile, First Read can confirm that Santorum is going up with two POSITIVE ads in Michigan (size of buy is unclear right now). What wins out in the Wolverine State -- positive or negative?

2 comentarios:

Jordi Coll dijo...

500.000 dólares para atacar a Gingrich en Michigan cuando tiene a Santorum por delante? Será Arizona.

Antxon G. dijo...

Es en Michigan.

La única exoplicación que le encuentro es que teman más a Gingrich que a Santorum. Que, puesto a elegir, prefieran que la campaña a largo plazo se convierta en un mano a mano con Santorum, en lugar de con Gingrich. Puede que estén subestimando a Santorum.