miércoles, 11 de julio de 2012

Chicago sigue apretando a los donantes

The Weekly Standard:
Democrats are continuing to sound the alarm about this upcoming election. And the latest alarm bell is being rung by Senator Patty Murray, chair of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

Using a reverse psychology ploy to gin up support from Democratic donors, Murray writes, in an email to supporters, that "If we don’t close this gap now, the White House and Senate will be out of reach before Labor Day."

Murray makes clear that the impetus for her sounding alarm is the fundraising gap between Republican Mitt Romney and Democrat Barack Obama. "The good news: Democrats set fundraising records in June. The bad news: Mitt Romney did too—and outraised President Obama by more than 30%," writes Murray.

(...) Murray's plea is for supporters to act now. "Please give $5 right now. We must raise $100,000 TODAY to close this gap," she writes.

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