martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

Rand Paul sólo garantiza que no competirá contra su padre

The Post and Courier:

(...) Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., visited Charleston Monday to talk about his possible presidential bid, how to rein in the national debt and the current military action in Libya.

Paul, a tea party favorite who won his Senate seat last fall, is visiting several early presidential voting states independently of his father, 2008 presidential contender and current U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas.

"The only decision I've made is I won't run against my dad," Rand Paul said.

He has upcoming trips planned to Iowa and New Hampshire, in part, he said, because "I want the tea party to have an influence over who the nominee is in 2012." (...)

3 comentarios:

Juan dijo...

Wohoooo, Run Rand Run

Antxon G. dijo...

Rand Paul puede ser un candidato muy potente en 2016 si recauda dinero como su padre. Pero en 2012 no lo veo.

Juan tú eres mi experto para Películas Recientes Símplemente Entretenidas (PRSE). Recomiéndame alguna. Thriller o misterio. Hazme una lista de media docena. ¡Gracias!

Robert L. dijo...

Pienso que la familia Paul nunca sera una opcion seria para una eleccion presidencial.

Antxon, viste State of Play?

Es un political thriller dirigido por Kevin Macdonald.