viernes, 18 de febrero de 2011

Romney: "Obama da la espalda a Israel"

Duro artículo de opinión del Gobernador Romney en el National Review condenando la política de la Administración Obama hacia Israel. Le acusa de estar postrado ante la perversa equivalencia moral de la ONU, de equiparar tiranías con democracias, y de pretender congraciarse con la opinión pública árabe a expensas de Israel.

(...) The Obama administration has been seeking a way to avoid vetoing a U.N. Security Council resolution condemning Israel. It has floated the idea of meeting Israel’s critics halfway with a U.N. “presidential statement” calling Israeli settlements “illegitimate.” Whether or not such a statement is actually issued, the very idea is a mistake. Indeed, we have here in this single idea a display of multiple foreign-policy failures of this presidency.

(...) The harm wrought by the Obama administration’s diplomatic decisionmaking is doubly driven home by the fact that it is taking place in that chamber of double-standards, the United Nations. For decades the U.N. has been the epicenter of the worldwide campaign to delegitimize Israel, a campaign that has often devolved into naked anti-Semitism. Democratic and Republican administrations alike have long resisted this vicious business. It was Daniel Patrick Moynihan who in 1975 denounced the U.N.’s “Zionism Equals Racism” resolution as an obscenity, and it was Pres. George H. W. Bush who in 1991 won its repeal. The Obama administration is abysmally remiss in departing from our proud tradition of standing by a democratic ally when the world’s most unsavory regimes gang up on it.

Finally, the episode reveals a strategic failure that transcends mishandling of the Israeli-Palestinian problem alone. For its first two years, the Obama administration downplayed the importance of promoting democracy around the world. Reflexively shunning the foreign-policy approach of its predecessor, it sought to engage adversaries like Iran and North Korea, coddle autocratic allies, and distance itself from democratic friends.

True, over the last few days the administration has belatedly recognized that, in the wake of the revolutions sweeping the Arab world, supporting aspirations for human freedom might be important. It has finally, for example, issued strong statements condemning the Iranian ayatollahs for their violent suppression of the democratic opposition. But one step forward, two steps backward. President Obama’s decision to lean hard on Israel has the U.S. once again currying favor with dictators and distancing itself from democrats. (...)

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Absolutamente de acuerdo con el Gobernador Romney. Nunca Estados Unidos había tenido un musulmán al frente de la Nación. Ni Carter.

Por favor que el lobby judío tenga muy presente quien es Barack HUSSEIN HUSSEIN HUSSEIN Obama.

Obama si pudiera era de los que entablaría una negociación con los terroristas en vez de combatir el terrorismo pero es lo que eligió el pueblo en 2008 y si bien no recuerdo todo el voto judío en Estados Unidos fue para este "Señor". Es el discípulo aventajado de Zapatero en España.

Ojalá ganen los republicanos, excepto Palin me da exactamente igual el candidato, y pueda Israel ocupar el lugar que siempre ha ocupado en Estados Unidos, es decir, un país hermano.

Israel es la única democracia consolidada en Medio Oriente. Todo mi apoyo , cariño, solidaridad y más profunda estima con Israel.