miércoles, 18 de enero de 2012

Erickson pide a Perry que se retire y apoye a Gingrich

Erick Erickson, editor del blog conservador más influyente, RedState:
Barring a miracle, this is Rick Perry’s final act in the 2012 elections. On Saturday, he will come in last in South Carolina. It will be only the third time in a generation Rick Perry has lost an election, with the only other two times being Iowa and New Hampshire this year.

For a generation, Rick Perry was undefeated. Now he will go back to Texas and everyone who ever lost to Rick Perry will seek to settle old scores. It will be a tough, bloody fight. He will have to be ready for it.

Perry, however, has a potential trump card up his sleeve as he rebuilds political capital. It’s simple: he can drop out today, and endorse someone else. Doing so today, before the CNN Debate tomorrow, gives the news time to sink in.

But who to endorse? Mitt Romney makes no sense. To endorse Romney would be to turn Perry’s message throughout the campaign into a joke. It would buy Perry no good will. He would return to Texas a joke.

Rick Santorum makes no sense either. While closer to Perry than Romney on some points, Perry campaigned on reducing the size and scope of Washington, privatizing social security, and fixing entitlements. Endorsing Santorum may leave Perry in good stead with his fellow evangelicals, but it would fly in the face of the limited government principles he outlines both on the campaign trail and in his national bestseller Fed Up!

Then there is the man who wrote the introduction to Fed Up!, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich.

I’m willing to bet that among activists in Texas, Newt Gingrich is more popular than Romney. His message has been rather consistent to Perry’s, including a man on a mission to gut Washington, D.C. While Gingrich lacks Perry’s limited government bona fides, he is the only other candidate in the race emphasizing that business as usual in Washington is not acceptable if the nation we love is going to survive – as Gingrich wrote in his introduction: “Devolving power out of Washington is critical to our long-term survival.” And that’s the truth.

If Rick Perry stays in the race, conservatives opposed to Mitt Romney will be legitimately able to blame Rick Perry for dragging down either Newt or Santorum. If the person he endorses doesn’t win the nomination, it still doesn’t hurt him as much as staying in to take a few deciding votes.

Huntsman has already done his part to help Romney. Perry’s endorsement today or tomorrow morning could offset that, shifting undecideds and Perry’s own voters to someone else and get them a leg up on Mitt Romney. With Newt Gingrich surging according to the latest Rasmussen poll and Sarah Palin saying she’d support him, Perry’s withdrawal and endorsement before Saturday could ensure a Gingrich win.

4 comentarios:

Juan dijo...

Oh oh, Marianne Gingrich ha hecho una entrevista en ABC que la cadena no quiere sacar porque no lo ve ético justo antes de la primaria. Entrevista en la que parece que le destroza o algo.

"Marianne Gingrich has said she could end her ex-husband's career with a single interview.
Earlier this week, she sat before ABCNEWS cameras, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned... MORE... Developing..."

Antxon G. dijo...

No lo sacan para que el Barça no la eclipse.

Anónimo dijo...

El tema de las islas caimán lo consideráis solo grave o gravísismo? Porque, no sé, pero aun suponiendo que no haya cometido nada ilegal, ¿realmente con la cultura política norteamericana, puede ser presidente un hombre que tiene dinero fuera para pagar menos impuestos? Esto en España, o en Catalunya, no tendría importancia, incluso podría ser un mérito, pero en EEUU... ¿Cómo lo veis? Puede afectar la primaria de Carolina?
Pep Martí

Antxon G. dijo...

No estoy muy enterado del tema, ni sé en qué medida puede ser un problema, pero un hombre que lleva más de un lustro preparándose para ser candidato a Presidente, me extrañaría mucho que no tuviera esos asuntos bien atados. Las inversiones son de las primeras cosas de las que uno se ocupa cuando decide montar una campaña. Así que si las tiene será porque después de un largo análisis han considerado que no supone en problema.